These days we have started to get back to our normal routine of life after the closures and also we are back to celebrating the holidays if the extended family. It’s time to get back to a particularly regular daily training routine after the holiday food that wasn’t particularly healthy.
Here is a daily workout that you can do and can help get back to the healthy routine you had before the holidays:
You can start the workout from stretching, stretching exercises can make us control the various muscles of the body and cause greater flexibility.
Stretching exercises can help us warm up the body muscles before the workout itself, increase blood flow to them and prepare them for the various sports exercises.

During training you can focus on exercises that are Paul Buddy (full body) that focuses on all of our muscle groups. Also, the training should be done according to a certain division of all muscle groups (from the largest to the smallest): legs, back, chest, shoulders, back hand, front hand and abdomen.

The training will continue if upper body exercises.
This workout will make you focus on all the muscles in that area. Upper body exercises have many benefits like: maximum recovery for our muscles, the exercises help prevent injuries in the shoulder area and more. As you can see the workout focuses and works on different areas of the body and makes the feeling of burning calories the way we all want.

If you liked the post you can read more posts on the subject in the "health" category on the blog.
*The post was written based on recommendations from articles from google .
I agree with this post. After so many day I did a workout and I felt good. I think it's better to do light workout for 1st day. What do you think?
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