Our body's need sweets during the day and peanut butter cookies can be a good treat. Here's a easy recipe for peanut butter cookies.
Half cup of roasted peanut unsalted.
50 grams unsalted butter.
Half cup of organic peanut butter.
Half cup brown sugar.
1 egg.
One quarter flower.
table spoon of baking powder and salt.1
1.Pre heat oven 180 degrees.
2.put copped chopped peanuts in a bowl .
3. In a different bowl put soft butter, peanut butter, brown sugar. And mix well.then mix again with egg.
4.And the other bowl we mix the flower with baking powder and salt.
5.Now we mix the flower gradually to the first mix until we get a nice soft moist dough.
6.Now we roll small amounts of the dough to ball's.
7. Now we dip each dough ball in the chopped peanuts.
8.now place in oven pan.
9.put in oven and bake for 25 minutes.
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